Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Rotation

 The day we got out for Thanksgiving our teacher wasn't there. She left lots of fun plans and had parents come in to help us with a special Thanksgiving rotation. We took lots of pictures to share with Mrs. Parker and thought we would share them with you,too.

In one center we got to eat our snack. We had doughnuts for Gavin's birthday and juice. It was delicious!


 In another center we colored paper dolls of ourselves in our clothes today. Then we cut out pilgrim clothing that we could use to "dress up" our dolls in pilgrim's clothing.

In the third center we made memory baskets of things that help us to remember how it was during the first Thanksgiving.

 The final center was to read emergent readers about something to do with Thanksgiving. One group read about the delicious foods we eat during our Thanksgiving meals. Two groups read about things they were thankful for. The last group read a funny story about a turkey in disguise. We all loved our stories!
 We all had a wonderful time and would like to thank our wonderful volunteers who helped make this a very special time for us!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Favorite Volunteer

Serious Mackenzie working

We love all of our volunteers!! However, there is one that we always look forward to coming to our class. That is Mrs. Parker's daughter, Mackenzie. She helps us learn, spoils us, and tells us funny stories about Mrs. Parker. She makes us laugh,too.
Silly Mackenzie playing

Fun Math with Geo-boards

We had a great time learning about shapes and making them with our geo-boards. We were careful not to let our bands fly around the room and Mrs. Parker said we did a fantastic job making our shapes!